‘PROPERTY HAUS’ Privacy Policy

This document applies to all personal information held by ‘Property Haus’, hereunder referred to as ‘PH’, as the controllers of your personal data and goes into detail on how we processes your data, why do we process it, with whom this data may be shared, in what situations we may share this data and all the measures we are taking to ensure that your data is safe and secure. The terms of this policy will apply as long as you are a member of ‘PH’, but will also continue to apply after you cease to be a member. It also applies if you have sent us your data to be part of our marketing mailing list.
On our website, you may also find links to other websites which are not managed or owned by ‘PH’. ‘PH’ is not responsible for any such websites and this privacy policy shall not apply in this regard. The businesses/associations operating these websites, may or may not have their own privacy policy and in this regard, ‘PH’ is in no way responsible for the way such companies/associations manage the processing of your personal data.

Details about the data controller

The data controller as defined under the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 which is generally referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”), is ‘PH’ which is an association enrolled with the Commissioner For Voluntary Organisations, having registration number C98000 and its main address at Property Haus, 4, Triq Ninu Cremona,Victoria, VCT 2563.


The GDPR, is a new EU Commission regulation seeking to strengthen the protection of your personal data. At ‘PH’, we seek to uphold the high standard imposed by GDPR by providing you with peace of mind that your personal data is stored securely and safely.

How Information is collected from you

‘PH’, through this website or through the general functioning, may collect personal data from you. You would be giving us personal data in any of the following events;
  • Requesting to become a member of ‘PH’ - We would need to request certain information as part of our member acceptance procedure, consisting partially of personal data;
  • Submitting to our newsletters - By submitting your contact details to receive newsletters/emails, you are providing us with certain personal data;
  • Submitting to our newsletters - By submitting your contact details to receive newsletters/emails, you are providing us with certain personal data;
  • Submitting a query – By submitting a query through our website, you would be providing us with personal data.
  • Through our real-time chat on our website- You can contact us through an instant messenger chat on our website where you might provide us with personal data.

Legal Basis of Data Processing

We shall always process your data legally in terms of the current laws and regulations and in terms of the GDPR.
As an applicant to become a member of ‘PH’, we process your information due to the fact that:
  • You have consented to the Processing of the personal data. As soon as ‘PH’ determines that we no longer require your data, your data shall be deleted, unless you consent to your data being kept for a further period.
In relation to marketing, we process your information due to the fact that:
  • If you are a member of ours, we will only send you marketing information if you have consented to such data being sent.

What information we Collect

Personal data is personal information about an individual like you.
Vis-a-vis our members, we may collect any of the following information:
  • Name and Surname
  • Your CV and any information contained within
  • Contact Details
  • Information about past experience
  • Qualifications
For marketing purposes, we may collect any of the following:
  • Name and Surname
  • Contact details

Special Categories of Personal Data

Certain other information may be classified as special personal data which includes any information relating to the following;
  • Racial or ethnic origin;
  • Political opinions;
  • Religious or philosophical beliefs;
  • Trade union membership;
  • Genetic data;
  • Biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person;
  • Data concerning health;
  • Data concerning a natural person's sex life or sexual orientation

We will never store or process any data which is deemed to consist of special cathegories of data without obtaining your prior written consent.

‘PH’ seeks to provide the best possible protection to your data given to us through our website.

How will your personal information be Processed?

Your data is processed through our systems usually for ‘PH’ to be able to provide you with marketing material. Data is stored on our systems and servers.

In some cases your data may also be processed by a third party processor, in terms of the current data protection laws. The law further obliges us to share your data with the competent authorities in certain situations as detailed under the relevant laws and regulations.

We might also be given information by third parties. Such personal data may also already be public.

We might obtain such information from;

  • Tax Authorities;
  • Governmental Authorities;
  • Regulatory Authorities;
  • Publically available information.

Your Rights

  • You have the right to access your data. You have the right to ask for a copy of your personal data.
  • You have the right of recitifcation of incorrect data. If any data we have is incorrect, you have a right to ask for correction of such data.
  • You have the right to be forgotten and that your data is earesed after the passage of time. You may request PH so that any data that we have on you is deleted. As stated above, due to legal requirements, your data will be held by PH for the periods stated in the data retention section and then deleted.
  • You have the right to restriction of procession. This can be done in the following cases:
    i. Where you are contesting the accuracy of the data, while such a claim is being checked;
    ii. If we proecess your data unlawfully
    iii. If we no longer need your data but are keeping the data because we need it for a legal claim;

    Kindly note however that if you exercise this right, it will hinder the ability of PH to provide you with marketing material, since we may need your personal data to be able to provide you with such material.
  • You have the right to data protability. Your data may be requested in a machine-readable format and you may also request that your data is transfered directly to another person or association directly.
  • You may object to the processing of your data. You may at any time inform us that you are objecting to the use of your data for direct marketing and after which we shall stop using your data for such purposes.
  • If you have provided consent for the processing of your data you have the right to withdraw that consent at any time which will not affect the lawfulness of the processing before your consent was withdrawn.

In making your request in relation to the above, please not that:

  • We will analyse your request and provide you with a reply within 1 month, except in extreme situations as allowed under law. In such a case we will provide information as to why your request was not acceded to within the 1 month period.
  • We have the right to refuse your request, if your request is not justified. In this case we shall inform you as to the reasons of why your request was refused.
  • We have the right to refuse your request in extreme situations where your requests are manifestly repetitive or excessive.
  • When you are making a request, we may request documentation to identify the person making the request.

You have the right to lodge a complaint to the data protection authority of your habitual residence if you believe that we have not complied with the requirements of the law. You may also file an action aganst us in a court of competent jurisdiction if you feel your rights have been infringed.

Legal Protection

In terms of the local laws and regulations and the GDPR, we strive to provide the best possible protection for your personal data.

This is to ensure that:

  • Your data is processed according to law;
  • Your data is not processed in violation of your rights;
  • Your data is obtained and stored for a specific lawful purpose;
  • You are properly informed about your rights and about your data;
  • The data processed is required and not excessive;
  • Your information is accurate and updated;
  • Your information is stored safely and securely;
  • Our IT systems are properly protected from attack in order to safeguard your data;
  • Your data is kept accordingly to our established time frames and not for a longer period than required;
  • Your data is not transferred to jurisdictions which do not adhere to equivalent standards without the appropriate safeguards as stated under law.


From time to time we may send marketing material to individuals subscribed to our mailing list. We send marketing material to our current members to keep them up to date with any activities, however feel free to subscribe to our mailing list below, if you would like to receive such information.

Providing your information to Third Parties

To be able to provide you with our services he have appointed third parties to assist us. In some cases your data is transferred to such third parties, or such third parties have access to your data. These third parties can be classified in the following categories:

IT Security

Service providers who help PH in ensuring that your data remains secure


Lawyers and Accountants who assist us in such specialised material


Service providers who assist us in relation to marketing and website


Service providers who assist us in storing and archiving data

Such information shall only be shared or accessed by such third parties, if:

  • We have obtained your consent before;
  • Such transfer of data is necessary for the performance of our main object;
  • Such a transfer of personal data is required under law or other lawful request by a competent judicial authority.

Transfers to third countries

We shall strive to send your data only to other EU countries or other countries which ensure proper protection for your data. When transferring your data to countries which are not deemed as such, proper measures in terms of the law shall be applied to ensure the protection of your personal data. In cases where such measures cannot be achieved, personal data shall only be sent to these countries if necessary to perform our objects and also subject to your prior consent.


We shall retain any personal information provided to us in terms of the law and shall delete any personal data when such a retention period lapses. In this regard, PH stores our information as follows:

  • Any information in relation to members or prospective members, shall be kept as follows:
    • Any information provided in relation to the identification of a member shall be kept for 10 years. This is due to the fact that by law we are required to keep such information for such a period.
  • You can also at any time object to the sending of any marketing material or simply unsubscribe from our mailing list. In such a case, we shall not send you any more marketing information.

Security of Data

PH utilises proper security systems to ensure that your data is kept in a secure and safe manner and has also invested considerable resources in this regard. Such measures may include encryption, firewalls, special software and also engaging of specialized individuals to provide your data with a proper level of security.

Cookie Policy

Cookies are text files which are placed on your computer, tablet or mobile phone when using our website, to collect standard internet log information and visitor information on our websites. Our website creates cookies every time you visit it.

Cookies are used for the following:

  • To analyse the traffic on our website;.
  • To determine which sections on our website are of most interest to visitors;
  • To make improvements to our website;
  • To ensure that visits to our websites are properly recorded.


We shall not process data of minors without their guardians’ written consent.


Kindly note that our website contains hyperlinks to other websites. Please note that PH is not responsible for the content of these other websites or their respective adherence to data protection laws and rules. PH does not provide any quality controls to such websites and shall accept no responsibility for their performance, security, accuracy, content or privacy in relation to your personal data.

Changes to our Policy

KDue to the fact that technology and the relevant legislation regarding data protection and data privacy changes at a rapid pace, PH may at any time make changes or amendments to this privacy policy. In such a case we will amend or replace the relevant sections of this policy. It is thus in your interest to regularly check this section for any changes that may be done from time to time.

Data Protection Officer

Our data protection officer is ___________________.

If you wish to make any inquiry regarding your personal data, wish to have any of your data corrected or request access to your personal data, you may contact him on the below details. Please note that we may refuse requests which are manifestly repetitive or excessive.

Any request must be in writing and must also include your name, address and a description of the information or correction required. We may also ask for other identification documentation. Such information is essential so that we can identify you properly

Email: info@propertyhaus.com

Telephone number: +356 27009002

Address of PH: Property Haus, 4, Triq Ninu Cremona,Victoria, VCT 2563

This Policy has been updated on the 14th September 2022


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